Heidi McIvor-Allen - Owner of McIvor Marketing LLC


If you’re a content creator, you’ve probably pondered the question: is AI-generated content detectable by Google? Rest assured, you’re not alone in this inquiry. Google employs cutting-edge technologies, algorithms, and systems to power its Search function. Given the widespread use of AI technology by content creators, it’s crucial to understand how search engines, particularly Google, respond to it.

In this article, we’ll delve into the realm of AI-generated content, explore search engines’ approach toward it, and examine its detectability.

“When you change one thing, you have the ability to change EVERYTHING.”


AI content refers to any content that is either created or enhanced using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. These advanced technologies employ specific algorithms and machine-learning techniques to generate content without human intervention. Commonly found in various online formats such as website copy, blog posts, and product descriptions, AI-generated content has gained significant traction. Presently, several machine learning tools are highly popular for generating AI content, including ChatGPT, Jasper, and These companies harness the power of machine learning, algorithms, and other sophisticated systems to produce human-like content within a matter of seconds. The prevalence of AI content is on the rise in today’s digital marketplace, with companies and marketers leveraging its capabilities to streamline content creation processes, saving valuable time and resources.
What is AI Content? Learn more in the McIvor Marketing Blog


Over the past few years, AI content has made significant strides since the introduction of various AI content creation platforms. Initially, the content generated by these platforms required higher quality standards for both content creators and search engines to acknowledge its value. From a search engine standpoint, the primary objective is to present users with the best possible content, ensuring a superior user experience.


However, the landscape has evolved with the emergence of new AI content tools, leading to an upward trend. AI technology has advanced to the extent that the content produced not only meets high-quality standards but also competes with search engines in terms of relevance and value.

Nevertheless, AI tools still need to enhance their creative capabilities and offer a more personalized experience. While the content may be of high quality, it should incorporate elements that can be added by experienced creators. As search engines strive to exhibit the most exceptional content, it becomes essential to remain vigilant regarding AI-generated content.

Why do search engines care about AI generated content? - Learn more in the McIvor Marketing Blog


Before delving into the detectability of AI content by Google, let’s explore some insights from behind the scenes. In a blog post published on the Google Search Central Blog in February 2023, Google shared its perspective on AI-generated content:

“Our guidelines do not prohibit the proper utilization of AI or automation. This implies that using AI to generate content is permissible as long as its primary purpose is not to manipulate search rankings, which would be in violation of our spam policies.”

In addition, Google’s webmaster guidelines provide guidance for creators considering AI content generators:

“Regardless of how content is generated, those aiming for success in Google Search should focus on creating original, high-quality content that prioritizes the needs of users and demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).”

The recent surge in the popularity of AI technology is not the first time Google has encountered creators utilizing low-quality content. Google, along with other search engines, employs systems and algorithms to determine whether published content is unhelpful or considered “spam.” AI-generated content that adopts a user-first approach and aligns with SEO best practices does not violate any guidelines. However, AI-generated content that is solely used to manipulate search rankings is likely to face penalties.


To address this question directly, the answer is yes, Google is capable of detecting AI content if it violates its spam guidelines. However, the crucial aspect to consider is whether or not the content adheres to those guidelines. Google has emphasized its commitment to rewarding high-quality content, regardless of its production method. Therefore, if a creator utilizes an AI content generator while maintaining quality standards, it should not pose any issues.


This leads us to another question: will Google penalize content creators for utilizing AI tools? The outcome depends on the creative approach employed. If the AI-generated content lacks originality, and quality, or fails to prioritize user-friendliness, Google may impose penalties on such published content. Conversely, content creators can leverage AI to enhance the overall quality of their content.


In conclusion, Google can detect AI content. However, if content creators effectively utilize AI technology while upholding high standards, it will not result in content penalization by Google. Ultimately, creators should strive to combine their expertise, experience, and creativity with AI tools to achieve optimal results.


Google employs several methods to detect AI-generated content. It analyzes factors such as writing style, grammar, and vocabulary utilized in the content. If the content lacks a human-like tone and exhibits unnatural language patterns, Google may flag it as AI-generated.


The detection process becomes more challenging as the content ages. Search engines aim to prioritize real human experience over AI-generated or plagiarized content sourced from the internet. However, detecting such content is not a straightforward task.


In recent times, we have witnessed the emergence of AI content generator detectors since January. Content generators like ChatGPT are gradually evolving, attempting to make their content appear “more organic,” and consequently, AI detectors are adapting in response. Google, too, continues to evolve and update its algorithms to identify these new iterations.


It is reasonable to anticipate a race in the coming years, where AI-generated content may temporarily hold an advantage but will inevitably be caught by search engines’ evolving detection methods.


Google won’t rank AI content very high in its SERPs. That’s because of Google’s new Ranking Guidelines called E-E-A-T.

Google's New E-E-A-T model - learn more in McIvor Marketing's Blog


1. Improve Your Prompt Strategy

One of the most effective (and simplest) ways to leverage AI for content improvement is by enhancing the prompts used. Whether you’re utilizing tools like Jasper, ChatGPT, Bard, or other AI platforms, employing the prompt box strategically can significantly enhance the quality of your content. Instead of providing a basic inquiry like “What is SEO,” consider enriching your prompt with additional details. For instance, you could prompt the AI writer with the following:


“Compose a paragraph that defines SEO and explains its impact on a digital marketing strategy.”


The more specific and detailed your prompts are, the better the content produced by the AI generator will be. By incorporating nuanced instructions, not only will the content exhibit higher quality, but it will also possess a greater degree of originality, thanks to the guidance provided. Experiment with various approaches to identify which scenarios yield the best content outcomes for both Google and search engine users.

2. Focus on the End User

When it comes to search results, Google tends to prioritize content that delivers an exceptional user experience. Once the content is generated using AI, it is crucial to pay attention to its messaging and clarity. Take the time to read through the content and make any necessary modifications to ensure it aligns with the needs of the end user. Ideally, the content should be easy to comprehend while effectively informing the reader. Striking a balance between simplicity and providing valuable information is key.

3. Follow E-E-A-T Guidelines

In order to effectively harness AI technology in your SEO strategy, it is crucial to closely adhere to the E-A-T guidelines. When crafting web page content, it is important to highlight the website’s expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. The question arises: can you still maintain E-A-T guidelines while utilizing AI content generators? Absolutely! However, it may require fine-tuning the content to ensure it aligns with these guidelines.

4. Get Creative

Despite the remarkable advancements in AI technology, it still relies on the creative touch of human beings. Your instincts, emotions, and feelings play a vital role in content creation. While AI can undoubtedly assist in supporting your ideas or initiating your approach, it is your creativity that sets your content apart from generic, auto-generated content found elsewhere. Embrace the power of AI as a tool, but remember that your unique creative input will make all the difference in delivering exceptional and distinctive content.

5. Explore Different Tools

Finally, maintain an open-minded approach as you familiarize yourself with content generation tools. Take the time to explore various tools and determine which ones align best with your business objectives. Depending on the nature of your content, certain AI tools may prove more effective within your overall strategy than others. While free tools like ChatGPT or Google Bard can be valuable starting points, it’s important to recognize that your specific requirements may necessitate more specialized solutions. Many AI content platforms offer free trial periods, allowing you to experiment and identify the tools that best meet your needs. Embrace this opportunity to discover the optimal tools for your content generation endeavors.

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